



“For TCKs, cosmopolitanism is not a mere philosophical or political value that they should admire or aspire to but rather their way of being.” They have, “what many multinational companies seek: innate intercultural instincts, mobility and adaptability.” 

I have focused my area of study on the Third Culture Kid experience and the unique gifts that come from having lived a highly mobile and multi-cultural childhood. My research on Third Culture Kids (TCKs) has led me to see the immense value and impact that they bring to workplace dynamics and organizational leadership. For TCKs, globalization is in their DNA. “Global experience builds cultural awareness, a broader world-view, inspires flexibility and open-mindedness, and develops highly impactful global leaders.”

My Mission: Leveraging Superpowers as a Third Culture Kid

My mission is to help other TCKs become more aware of the instrumental opportunities they’ve been given and to encourage them to leverage these superpowers within their teams and in positions of leadership.

Despite the challenges of rootlessness, TCKs find their sense of identity in people rather than places. They possess unique strengths that make them invaluable in the workplace, enabling them to become clear, confident, and empathic leaders.

In an article for the Harvard Business Review, Angel Cabrera, President of George Mason University, writes that “Today’s greatest business opportunities, and also the greatest challenges we face, are global in nature and therefore demand leaders who are also global. But what does ‘global’ really mean? The old mantra ‘think global, act local’ is woefully inadequate to describe the complex realities global leaders face. Truly global leaders act as bridge builders, connectors of resources and talent across cultural and political boundaries — relentlessly dedicated to finding new ways of creating value. They don’t just think and act global, they are global.”

Reasons to Hire Third Culture Kids in the Workplace

Here’s why you should hire TCKs and empower them within your organization.

  1. Highly adaptive: “cultural chameleons” with natural cross-cultural agility, they build relationships quickly and acclimate to a range of personalities and ways of thinking. They have “move-forward” mentalities and are often focused on where they’re going rather than where they’ve been.
  2. Collaborative: effect positive change within organizations by building strong communities through trust and can develop structures and processes involving multiple cross-boundary stakeholders.
  3. Creative: think outside the box and find new ways to create value. They can connect resources and talent across cultural and political boundaries. They bring innovative solutions to complex problems. 
  4. Empathetic & communicative: strong communicators and often so, in more than one language. Since their identity is rooted in people rather than places, they are more tolerant, open minded, sympathetic and can engage people from different parts of the world to work together. 
  5. Naturally curious: interested in how businesses operate and are unafraid to challenge the status quo. Constant seekers of knowledge and understanding, often interpreting and decoding situations from multiple, and even competing, points of view. A lack of a fixed cultural identity tends to encourage curiosity.
  6. Built-in global mindedness: can provide valuable insights on employee engagement, diversity and inclusion and are perfectly positioned to lead collaborative global teams across markets. Knowledgeable about economic and political issues globally, and can comprehend the complexity of international affairs from multiple national perspectives.
  7. Cultural competency: ability to read between the lines and understand, value, appreciate and work in several cultural contexts different from their own. Have a strong network with people from other cultures and with influential people. 
  8. Effective change management mentality: willing to work in frequently changing environments. Change comes naturally to a TCK who has consistently relocated and adapted to unfamiliar environments. This creates resilience and strong mental focus. They can empathize with the challenges of change and find ways to help those who are struggling. 
  9. Internationally mobile: adjust quickly to new environments and thrive in an increasingly connected world and are comfortable making international moves. 
  10. Strong team players & natural leaders: flexible, tolerant, and diplomatic. Able to be high performers within teams and create community from diversity. Interested in dealing with challenging situations and can influence individuals and groups to contribute towards the achievement of the organization’s goals.

I offer keynotes for organizations and TCK communities. I would love the opportunity to share my research and own personal journey with you. 

Keynote topic 1: 

Leverage the natural superpowers of Third Culture Kids in your workplace

If your company operates across cultures, countries, and diverse demographics, Nikki will show you how your organisation can harness the power of your diversity by tapping into the natural abilities of Third Culture Kids in your workplace. 

Keynote topic 2: 


Third Culture Kids (TCKs) have a truly global perspective and there’s an incredible resilience to them. They make empathic and collaborative leaders and we need more of them in the workplace! Next D&I (diversity & inclusion) pillar at your company, maybe? ⁠Watch my YouTube video about leaning into the TCK power.

Expect to laugh and cry on this emotional and deeply personal adventure. Nikki bridges the decades long research of this unique upbringing with stories of her own rootlessness, cultural complexities, an unresolved grief that led her to finally find a sense of belonging and tap into the innate power of the TCK experience. 

Don’t have time to read? Listen to the podcast “On Being a Third Cultured Kid with Nikki Muller” with Stephanie Bovis where my aim is to help other TCKs become more aware of the instrumental opportunities they’ve been given, personally and professionally.

For inquiries, please contact:


Nikki Muller, LIVE event host, TV presenter, moderator, and TCK advocate & speaker.

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